Old and New Testament themes: God frees His people; Life and commands of Jesus
Weekly Scripture memory
Integration of Biblical worldview in all subjects
Language Arts
1st Grade
Phonemic awareness: Consonant and vowel sounds, digraphs, blends, and rhyme patterns
Reading fluency, including 250 sight words
Orton-Gillingham phonics instruction and spelling of phonetic and non-phonetic works:
Reading comprehension: Identify main idea, cause and effect, sequence; make predictions
Vocabulary: Homophones, synonyms, antonyms; learning new vocabulary in context
Listening and speaking; Listen to a variety of genres; present information orally
Spelling: Phonetic and non-phonetic words
Writing and grammer: Rules for capitalization and punctuation; basic parts of speech; journals, poetry, and short narrative and expository writings
Library Skills
Story elements and appreciation of literature
Locating and organizing information
Numbers and operations: Numeration, ordinal numbers; addition and subtraction, including mastery of addition facts to 20; place value, simple fractions
Measurement: Time, money, customary measurement
Graphs and data interpretation
Geometry: Plane and solid figures; sides and corners
Estimation, including benchmarks and rounding
Algebraic reasoning: patterns, concept of equality; commutative property of addition
Problem solving strategies
Social Studies
Civics: Communities; rules and laws
Economics: Producers and consumers
Geography: Map skills
History: National symbols; Pledge of Allegiance; Culture & holidays, Historic figures
Science: One science lab class per week
Life science: Plant growth and function, animal kingdoms and survival, health and nutrition
Earth science: Earht’s resources, weather changes, seasons
Physical science: Magnets, sound, properties of gas, liquid, solid
Physical Education: Two classes per week
Art: One class per week
Technology: One class per week
Website navigation, computer graphics, introduction to coding and keyboarding
Personal fitness, group games, rules and techniques, sportsmanship
Music: One class per week
Vocal music, listening, rhythm and movement, music appreciation
Elements of visual art, media techniques, critical response
Foreign Language: One class per week
Survey of conversational Spanish and Spanish culture
2nd Grade
Old and New Testament themes: God frees His people; Life and commands of Jesus
Weekly Scripture memory
Integration of Biblical worldview in all subjects
Orton-Gillingham phonics instruction and spelling of phonetic and non-phonetic words:
Vocabulary: homophones, synonyms, antonyms; new vocabulary in context
Reading fluency and comprehension in guided and silent reading: Main idea, cause and effect, sequence, plot, theme, characterization, inference;
Listening and speaking: Listen to a variety of genres; present information orally
Writing and grammer: Capitalization and punctuation; basic parts of speech; journals, poetry, letters, short narrative, and expository writing
Language Arts
Numbers and operations, including, mastery of addition and subtraction facts to 20; regrouping; introduction to multiplication and division; fractions
Measurement: Time, money, customary measurement for length, temperature, capacity, weight
Graphs: Creation and interpretation of bar graphs, pictographs, circle graphs
Geometry: Plane and solid figures, congruence, symmetry, terms
Estimation of number, length, weight; rounding
Algebraic reasoning: Creation and extension of patterns, concept of equality; commutative property of addition
Problem solving strategies
Library Skills
Story elements and appreciation of literature
Locating and organizing information
Civics: Citizenship
Economics: Work, income, spending, saving, giving
Geography: Map skills, geography of Georgia; Other culture: Japan
History: Early America and the history of Georgia
Social Studies
Science: One science lab class per week
Life science: Classification and identification of animals; habitats, food chains, the human body
Earth science: Slow and rapid changes, water cycle, severe weather; characteristics and movement of the sun, planets, moon, and stars
Physical science: Movement and magnets; sound
Technology: One class per week
Microsoft Word and Excel basic functions, Microsoft Power Point, introduction to computer programming
Physical Education: Three classes per week
Personal fitness, competitive games, weekly mile run, rules and techniques, sportsmanship
Music: One class per week
Elements of visual art, media techniques and processes, art in relation to history and culture
Art: One class per week
Exploration of rhythm, melody, harmony, music theory, and music appreciation
Foreign Language: One class per week
Survey of conversational Spanish and Spanish culture