7th Grade
Old and New Testament: God’s instructions to His faithful people; the basis of personal faith
Weekly Scripture memory
Integration of Biblical worldview in all subjects
Language Arts
Listening and speaking: recall, summarize, inform, persuade, entertain, and question; deliver prepared recitations and presentations
Spelling and vocabulary: phonetic strategies, syllabication, Greek and Latin roots and prefixes
Reading fluency and comprehension strategies in guided and silent reading
Literature appreciation; literary devices including story structure and figurative language
Writing: development of 5-paragraph selections including reflections, narratives, poems, letters, essays expository writing, and imaginative stories; researching report; focus on organization and style
Grammar, including sentence structure, parts of speech, conventions, and diagramming
Reference skills, including the research process
MLA/APA Writing format
Oratory instruction and presentation
Numbers and operations: Operations while whole numbers and decimals numbers; mastery of all math facts; long division; multiples, factors; fractions and decimals in all operations
Measurement: Time, money, schedules, customary and metric measurement of length, weight, temperature, capacity, volume, area, and perimeter; metric conversions; formulas
Geometry; Area, perimeter/circumference of plane figures; lines and angles
Graphs and statistics: Read, interpret, and create graphs, charts and schedules; mean, median, mode, and range
Ratio, proportion, and percent: Ratios and equivalent ratios; ratio as percent and decimal; use of percent in problem-solving
Estimation: Estimation of products, quotients, sums, and differences by rounding
Algebraic reasoning: commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and multiplicative properties; concept of equality; unknowns; order of operations; formulas with variables; negative integers
Problem solving: Multi-step problems; strategies; use of calculators
Social Studies
Civics: Branches of federal government; power of the citizens
Economics: Economic interdependence ( production, consumption, exchange, investment, specialization)
Geography: Geography of the western hemisphere; Map skills
World history: Acient Civilizations pt.2
Life science: Biotic and a-biotic systems, populations and survival; life cycles; classification and life processes of plants; identifications of vertebrates and invertebrates; animal kingdoms, adaptions, hybridization, cross-breeding; ocean ecosystems; health: respiratory and circulatory systems; dissection
Earth science: Rocks and minerals, forces that create landforms; oceanography, sources of energy; atmosphere and weather; meteorology: measurement and data
Physical science: Energy, motion, gravity; matter; acids and bases; physical measurement; physical and chemical changes
Technology: One class per week
Advanced functions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint; creation of basic video games
Research: location, selection, and evaluation of information; plagiarism and legal issues of technology
Foreign Language: One class per week
Survey of conversational Spanish and Spanish culture
Physical Education: Two classes per week
Personal fitness, competitive and non-competitive team games, positions, and rules; skill development; weekly mile run; technique and form for trach and field events; sportsmanship
Art: One class per week
Elements of visual arts, principals of design, media techniques and processes; identifying art in historical and cultural context; recognizing the impact of visual arts on culture and environment
Music: One class per week
Exploration of rhythm, melody, harmony, pitch, music theory, and music appreciation, choral and instrumental instruction
8th Grade
Old and New Testament: God’s instructions to His faithful people; the basis of personal faith
Weekly Scripture memory
Integration of Biblical worldview in all subjects
Language Arts
Listening and speaking: recall, summarize, inform, persuade, entertain, and question; deliver prepared recitations and presentations
Spelling and vocabulary: phonetic strategies, syllabication, Greek and Latin roots and prefixes
Reading fluency and comprehension strategies in guided and silent reading
Literature appreciation; literary devices including story structure and figurative language
Writing: development of 5-paragraph selections including reflections, narratives, poems, letters, essays expository writing, and imaginative stories; researching report; focus on organization and style
Grammar, including sentence structure, parts of speech, conventions, and diagramming
Reference skills, including the research process
MLA/APA Writing format
Oratory instruction and presentation
Debate Team instruction
Numbers and operations: Operations while whole numbers and decimals numbers; mastery of all math facts; long division; multiples, factors; fractions and decimals in all operations
Measurement: Time, money, schedules, customary and metric measurement of length, weight, temperature, capacity, volume, area, and perimeter; metric conversions; formulas
Geometry; Area, perimeter/circumference of plane figures; lines and angles
Graphs and statistics: Read, interpret, and create graphs, charts and schedules; mean, median, mode, and range
Ratio, proportion, and percent: Ratios and equivalent ratios; ratio as percent and decimal; use of percent in problem-solving
Estimation: Estimation of products, quotients, sums, and differences by rounding
Algebraic reasoning: commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and multiplicative properties; concept of equality; unknowns; order of operations; formulas with variables; negative integers
Problem solving: Multi-step problems; strategies; use of calculators
Social Studies
Life science: Biotic and a-biotic systems, populations and survival; life cycles; classification and life processes of plants; identifications of vertebrates and invertebrates; animal kingdoms, adaptions, hybridization, cross-breeding; ocean ecosystems; health: respiratory and circulatory systems; dissection
Earth science: Rocks and minerals, forces that create landforms; oceanography, sources of energy; atmosphere and weather; meteorology: measurement and data
Physical science: Energy, motion, gravity; matter; acids and bases; physical measurement; physical and chemical changes
Civics: Branches of federal government; power of the citizens
Economics: Economic interdependence ( production, consumption, exchange, investment, specialization)
Geography: Geography of the western hemisphere; Map skills
US History
Advanced functions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint; creation of basic video games
Research: location, selection, and evaluation of information; plagiarism and legal issues of technology
Technology: One class per week
Foreign Language: One class per week
Survey of conversational Spanish and Spanish culture
Physical Education: Two classes per week
Personal fitness, competitive and non-competitive team games, positions, and rules; skill development; weekly mile run; technique and form for trach and field events; sportsmanship
Art: One class per week
Elements of visual arts, principals of design, media techniques and processes; identifying art in historical and cultural context; recognizing the impact of visual arts on culture and environment
Exploration of rhythm, melody, harmony, pitch, music theory, and music appreciation, choral and instrumental instruction